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[mv] Upgrading from 3.12 to 3.14, and problem with shipping and tax calculations when using pricing.asc

******    message to minivend-users from "Josh Walton" <>     ******

First major question...  I am having trouble with the calculation of tax and
shipping costs with any of my items that use the pricing.asc file.  Both the
shipping and tax calculators return zero.  (The shipping is based on price.)
I assume this is because items that use the pricing.asc file have a zero
value in the price column in the products.asc file.  How can I get both the
tax calculator and the shipping calculator to pull the prices for my items
from the pricing.asc file when the value in the price column in products.asc
is zero.  Only about 20% of my products use the pricing.asc file.

I am using ver 3.12 Linux Red Hat

Also have there been problems upgrading from 3.12 to 3.14?

Josh Walton
Mountainside Software
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