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[mv] MV4 and MySQL

******    message to minivend-users from "Rizen" <rizen@deadearth.com>     ******

After much tinkering, I was able to get MV4 running using
MySQL, but I'm unable to do some of the things under MV4
that I was able to do in MV3 where it concerns SQL queries. 

1) I cannot do multiple table selects:

select table1.field1, table2.field1 from table1,table2

Doing so gets me nothing on the page and "Bad SQL" in the
log. However, single table selects go off without a hitch.

2) My old search profiles produce no error in the log, but
return the "Missing Page" page.

Are these bugs or is it my own ignorance?

Thanks to anyone who can help!
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