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[mv] Minivend 4.04 loses session id with forms?

******    message to minivend-users from Sakari Ailus <sakari.ailus@nic.fi>     ******


I'm migrating catalogs for Minivend 3.x to use them with new 4.x series.
To me it seems that new Minivend 4.04 loses session id when submitting
forms, first this caused a problem because I use scratch variables to
implement administrator user authentication which, of course, failed
since scratch variables are lost. This doesn't happen on Minivend 3.14
or on Minivend 4.04 with browser supporting cookies, but without cookie
support it does (on Minivend 4.04).

In last case forms still work if I specify mv_session_id manually (<form
ACTION="[process-target secure=1]" METHOD=POST>...<input type=hidden
name=mv_session_id value="[data session arg]">...</form>) but, as the
FAQ file says, this should be necessary only with GET forms.

Sakari Ailus
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