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[mv] dynamic variable names and ifs enigma

******    message to minivend-users from adam@opusvl.com     ******

Hi to the list again... 
I have scratch my head over this and feeling kind of stomped :(

exsample of what I am trying to do


[value name="dynamic_flag" set="3"]
[value name="dynamic_var-[value dynamic_flag]" set="some text"]

value name="dynamic_var-[value dynamic_flag]" : [value
name="dynamic_var-[value dynamic_flag]"]

        so far so good, displays good and correct

[if value name="dynamic_var-[value dynamic_flag]"]
        value exists
        value does not exist


but this is where is fails

it displays that the value does not exist :(

tried some other variations on the if all fail or not correct

[if term="[value name="dynamic_var-[value dynamic_flag]"]" ]
        --- fails on three levels in :( -- "]"] ---


[if !value name="dynamic_var-[value dynamic_flag]"]
        returns only if there is a value

	"] returns only if there is a value

works, which is the opposite to what I would expect it to do.

Any help or alternatives, would be greatly appriecated
becuase I feel that dynamic variable names gives MV some serious power

<really pointless tag that does nothing>
</really pointless tag that does nothing>
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