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[mv] Multi-Segmented SQL Index Keys

******    message to minivend-users from "James Guillot" <jwguillot@huntforpro.com>     ******

I have two questions about segmented keys.  The 
mail archive search seems to be down.
I'm using RedHat Linux 6.1, Minivend 4.04, and 
MySQL 3.22.32.  Everything works fine
except I want to use segmented primary indexes. 

1st question:
I have a file f4208 which has a segmented index 
based on two fields pgcpgp CHAR(8)
 and pgmcat CHAR(3).  How do you tell minivend 
that the primary key has multiple fields?
 I considered concating the two fields, but 
there are other situations where I have
 a multi-segment indexes that are numeric for 
segments 2 and 3.

2nd question:
This syntax
	[calc] $clv = [data table="f4208" 
column="pgclv" key="[perl]$cpgp[/perl] and 
pgmcat=[sql-param imprgr]"] [/calc]
results in 
	select pgclv from f4208 where pgcpgp = 'GATA 
and pgmcat=DFLT'
which doesn't work because pgcpgp is being 
compared to the whole string.

But if I add a bogus numeric field (pgfoo) to 
the top of f4208 and make it the primary key the 
syntax works!
[calc] $clv = [data table="f4208" column="pgclv" 
key="1 and pgcpgp='[perl]$cpgp[/perl]' and 
pgmcat='[sql-param imprgr]'"] [/calc]
results in
	select pgclv from f4208 where pgfoo=1 and 
pgcpgp='GATA' and pgmcat='DFLT'
which returns the correct results!  I'd rather 
not have to use the bogus pgf00 field if
 I don't have to.  Anybody have any suggestions?


James W. Guillot
MIS Manager
Hunt Forest Products, Inc.

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