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[mv] Core dump when loading Minimate: Solved

******    message to minivend-users from Chris Rapier <rapier@psc.edu>     ******

I was having problems getting minivend 4.04a and minimate to load
properly under the perl configuration I was using. The provider only had
perl 5.003 and isn't planning to upgrade for a month or more but I was
given permisison to install 5.005 in my userspace.

However, when I tried to load minivend and minimate perl would dump core
and I'd be out of luck. There were no error messages in any of the logs
or in debug. I looked through the archives and found that Shozo
Murahashi was having similar problems but was getting a slew of error
messages (out of memory being the most common). He was able to resolve
this by removing the locale includes from minimate.cfg. Out of
desperation I did the same and suddenly everything worked as advertised. 

I just wanted to thank Shozo for posting this solution and give a heads
up to anyone else who might run into the same problems. While it would
be nice to figure out why this is happening we go live in 3 days and I
have to get back to work :)

Config data:
Perl 5.005
FreeBSD 2.2.7 Stable
Minivend 4.04a
using GDBM

I had the same problems with FreeBSD 3.4.

Anyway, hopefully this might help someone else.

Chris Rapier

ps. any one have an idea when interchange will function with GDBM and/or
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