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RE: [mv] (forw) Re: [ic] Interchange + PostgreSQL results in error 505's (premature end of script headers)

******    message to minivend-users from "Warren Odom" <warren-odom@stenocall.com>     ******

>******    message to minivend-users from Mike Heins <mikeh@minivend.com>

>I still don't understand how NOT NULL works in Postgres, and no one
>has been able to elucidate it. It appears to me that if you do
>       INSERT (username,password) INTO userdb
>       VALUES ('user', ");
>that it will error out on NOT NULL. This is at odds with my understanding
of how it should work; NOT NULL >appearse to be the moral equivalent of "NOT

Although I haven't dived (yet) into getting MV/IC running with Postgres,
your comment got me curious.  I know that in databases I've seen, NULL is
separate and distinct from"blank".  Just to be sure, I created a test table
in PG (I have version 6.5.3 on Red Hat) and set one of the columns "char
varying(5) not null".  I was able to insert a zero-length string into that
column using the above syntax (two single quotes placed together as in '').

           -- Warren

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