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[ic] How can I override ProductFiles?

Hi list,

Iīve two tables for one catalog. One table is for adult only. 
If someone goes to the adult pages, 
I tried to set the ProductFiles directives like

[perl interpolate=1]
$Config->{ProductFiles}->[0] = "cleanproducts";
$Config->{ProductFiles}->[1] = "cleanproducts";
$Vend::OnlyProducts = "cleanproducts";
$::Variable->{MV_DEFAULT_SEARCH_FILE}->[0] = "cleanproducts";
$::Variable->{MV_DEFAULT_SEARCH_FILE}->[1] = "cleanproducts";
return '';

in my srchform page and with

$out .= "<BR><BR> PF0 = " . $Config->{ProductFiles}->[0];
$out .= " PF1 = " . $Config->{ProductFiles}->[1];
$out .= " VSF0 = " . $::Variable->{MV_DEFAULT_SEARCH_FILE}->[0];
$out .= " VSF1 = " . $::Variable->{MV_DEFAULT_SEARCH_FILE}->[1];
$out .= "<BR><BR> POnly = " . $Vend::OnlyProducts;
return $out;

I can see

PF0 = adultproducts PF1 = cleanproducts VSF0 = adultproducts.asc VSF1 =

PF0 = cleanproducts PF1 = cleanproducts VSF0 = cleanproducts.asc VSF1 =

POnly = cleanproducts 

but IC is still searching in both tables, instead of the one table only.
If I use

ProductFiles cleanproducts

in catalog.cfg only, IC canīt find any items from the adult table.
How can I switch the product file or the database name or the table
name, if someone is on the adult page or not?

Any helps, suggestions and hints are very welcome!



Hans-Joachim Leidinger
buch online                 jojo@buchonline.net
Munscheidstr. 14            FAX: +49 209 1671441
45886 Gelsenkirchen         FAX: 0209 1671441

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