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[ic] File::CounterFile not working in flex_editor.html

 Please I've lost many hours to this...has anyone succesfully set up a
counter using the File::CounterFile package?

In lib/UI/pages/admin/flex_editor.html, I see:
[if cgi ui_new_item]
                $CGI->{item_id} = q{[counter file="__UI_PRODUCT_DIR__/[cgi
mv_data_table].autonumber" start=new0000]};

This should work when creating a file in
__UI_PRODUCT_DIR__/table_name.autonumber...but its not (for me at least).
I checked the file permissions and put the same as the products.autonumber
which uses the same package but in items section. I *think* it should also
work in flex but it doesnt...what am I missing?


Jean-Pierre Parent

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