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[ic] Make the cart to check if there is a price at the pricing table.

How can i make the cart to check  if there is a price in the pricing table and take that price?
i have something like that in my product pages:

lets say that product54 costs 10.000 and has 2 sizes.
in the pricing table i create 2 entries: product54a=10.000 and product54b=12.000
so in the size field of the product i have :

in the catalong.cfg i have :
CommonAdjust    ==size:pricing ;products:price,

My problem is that sometimes,even if i choose product54b ,instead of displaying 12000 in the cart,it keeps dispaying 10.000.
Most of the times it works just fine,but sometimes it doesn't.Any ideas what can be wrong?

Thank you in advance.


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