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[ic] makecat non-interactive?

Hi Folks, 
By way of introduction, my name's Tim and I've been lurking for a while.
I'm starting an e-commerce hosting company with a friend. I'm enthusiastic
about Open Source, and hoping Interchange will allow us to base the
business on an open source solution, despite some customers' insistance
that they want to go with Brand X. 

My question: I want to run makecat from the command line in a
non-interactive mode. i.e. I want to specify all paramters on the command
line, and then have makecat "just do it", sending only error messages to
the standard output when necessary.

I've been using something like this:

makecat --serverconf=blah --servername=blahblah --demotype=construct ...etc.

This sets the defaults correctly on the prompts for each of the paramters I
set, but does not prevent makecat from prompting in the shell. I also tried
enclosing the entire thing in a perl system() function, with no change in

I'm sorry if this is really too basic a question, I've only been writing
perl for about 3 months now. 

Find my contact info online at http://tzf.net/contact 

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