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problem for [ic] UPS shipping

I'm new to minivend, and I just setup my shopping cart, and now I want to
setup the shipping fee which is based on UPS's cvs tables. I know I can
put a "adder" to add a fixed amount to the shipping cost, but I would like
to multiple the shipping cost by a factor, I don't know how to do it ?

I search the minivend mailing list, and found the similar questions
posted, but I cannot found the answer. 

> 2. I want to modify the shipping charges for my "construct" store such 
>    that: A. UPS Shipping charges are multiplied by a factor (like 1.15
>    for a 15% markup), as well as B. Add a base amount (like $3).

I would be appreciated if anybody can give me some hints. Thanks in



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