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Re: [ic] County + State tax


First check with the State Department of Revenue in the state you are 
setting your shop up in.  I built a shop for a merchant located in New York 
State, and NY prohibits using ZIP lookups because the various counties 
overlap ZIP codes.  If you can use zips, then you can use this directive in 

SalesTax        zip

Then in your salestax.asc put a list of all the zip codes which you're 
going to tax with the appropriate tax.

The other option for you is what I ended up doing for NY.  First, in 
catalog.cfg do a:

SalesTax        county

And in the database definitions do a:

Database        state           state.txt       TAB
Database        counties        counties.txt    TAB

Make a state.txt file with a list of all the 50 states and their postal 
abbreviations.  (I had to do this because some users couldn't type their 
2-letter state correctly and it kept screwing up tax/shipping)  Assuming 
your shop first asks for the shipping address, then goes to another page to 
list shipping options and costs, you can do this.

On your shipping page, add code like this:

[if value state =~ /NY/i]
<FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR=__HEADERTEXT__>Please select your county.</FONT>
<SELECT NAME=county>
                         <OPTION VALUE="[loop-code]"> [loop-data counties 

Change NY to whatever state you are in.  This will bring up another 
selector with a list of the county names.  I put in two columns because 
some NY counties have multiple word names (or multiple names for the NYC 
boroughs)  and that way I make sure to get input I can easily parse.

In your salestax.asc file, associate your "keys" from counties.txt into 
salestax.asc with the proper tax.

Finally, make sure you restart your store after you build all these text 
files, otherwise you'll end up chasing your tail because the .gdbm's may 
not have been built properly.

Of course, if you are using a RDBMS backend, it may be better for you to 
make these "text" database files into SQL tables.  If so, you may need to 
change your search terms.

If you need more help with this, feel free to email me, and I can send you 
off the text files I put together and some more code snips.



At 03:21 PM 7/23/01, Russ Mann wrote:
>Hello List,
>I have a state tax of 5% to implement, and an additional county tax of .5%
>in the event that a customer comes from the same county.  Is there a way to
>do this in IC?  Possibly based on zip codes?
>Interchange-users mailing list

Eric Paul
SpellBook Systems

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