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Re: [ic] County + State tax

On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Bob Ramstad wrote:

BR>>Here in Washington state, there are various city, county and state
BR>>taxes, but if you ship within the state, you MUST still charge the
BR>>appropriate tax for your location, as the sale is considered to have
BR>>taken place at the location of business.
BR>>For example, our main warehouse is located in King County within the
BR>>city limits of Seattle.  By Washington state law, we must charge our
BR>>local sales tax (the highest in the state) whenever we ship anywhere
BR>>within the state, as the sale officially takes place at the
BR>>warehouse.  (The shipping afterwards is just incidental.)

Here in Virginia we have a pretty uniform sales tax all over the state.
I am not aware of any jurisdictions charging any more than the 4.5%
sales tax that the state levies. The City Of Alexandria has a meal tax
that gets added on. And, there are short-term rental taxes that I
believe are county-contrived.

By Virginia law, anything that I ship to anywhere in the Commonwealth
of Virginia must have sales tax added on. No sales tax is required on
any item I ship outside of the Commonwealth. As long as the buyer takes
possession within the Commonwealth, it is taxable.

BR>>Of course, it is entirely possible that New York is different, but it
BR>>might not be.  In the not too recent past, I was implementing a very
BR>>confusing system with literally dozens of different rates only to
BR>>discover that it was all moot...

I am a native New Yorker (upstate!) They seem to have some very
convoluted (and high) sales tax schemes, depending on where you are. A
major factor why I would prefer to move to most any place in the USA,
rather than New York State!

-= Jim =-

Jim's Linux-Operated Underground Bomb Shelter

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