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[ic] Lower To Upper Case???

I built up a 'GFrab 'N Go' function that I put in the upper left corner of
the page on the construct demo. Here's what's in that code:

  <td bgcolor="#999999" valign="top" width=131>

<FORM ACTION="[process-target]" METHOD=POST name="basket">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden  NAME="mv_todo"        VALUE="refresh">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden  NAME="mv_order_item"  VALUE="[item-code]">
<table width="131" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#999999">
<tr><td><center><i><b><font size=+2><font color = "white">
Grab 'N Go</font></font></b></i></center>
	<td align="center"><font __FFACE__ size="1">
	<font color="white"><b>SKU: </b></font></font>
	<input type="text" name="mv_order_item" size="10">
	<tr><td align="center"> <font __FFACE__ size="1">
	<font color="white"><b>Quantity:</b></font></font>
	<input type="text" name="mv_order_quantity" size="6" value="1">
	<tr><td><font size =-1><font color ="white"><center>
	<A HREF="";>
	Need Help? </A></font></font></center></td></tr>
	<td align="center">
	<input type="submit" value="Buy it Now!">

I need to make the input for 'mv_order_item' all upper case.

I tried [perl] $var =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ [/perl]
but that didn't seem to work.

When I tried [perl] $var =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/g [/perl] safe intercepted it and
kept it from working.

So, how do I get an input of 'at-m' converted to 'AT-M' so that the search
will find it.

(This is a very valuable function! Repeat customers that already know your
SKU's can enter this in, along with the quantity and that item is put into
their cart immediately. They can come in, place their order and their charge
card information and be gone in under a minute!)

-= Jim =-

Jim's Linux-Operated Underground Bomb Shelter

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