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[ic] Severe Trouble going LIVE

I have been testing out IC 4.8.3 on my local Redhat 7.1 machine and had no problems
installing or getting the server to run.  However, getting it up on the secure server we
were planning on using for the purchase site has proven to be impossible so far... 

The server has the following specs:

1GB RAM (~750MB Free)
100GB RAID HD (~90GB Free)
Perl v5.6.1
MySQL v3.23.37
Apache v1.3.12
cgiwrap v3.6.4

The install went fine, all of the perl modules were pre-installed before the install of
IC.  No errors reported all the way through the install and makecat (used foundation
theme).  At the end of makecat received the following:

Done with installation. If my reading of your input is correct, you
should be able to access the demo catalog with the following URL:

In any case, you should get direct access at:

That is, after you START or RESTART the Interchange server.  8-)
It is best done with:

        /path/to/interchange/bin/interchange -r

For session expiration, you might want to place a line like this in your

44 4 * * * /path/to/interchange/bin/expireall -r

It will prevent the session databases from getting too large.

At which point I did....

interchange $ bin/interchange -r
The Interchange server was not running
Low traffic settings.
Calling UI......UI is loaded...
Out of memory!
Callback called exit, <GLOBAL> line 378.
END failed--call queue aborted at bin/interchange line 99, <GLOBAL> line 378.
Callback called exit at bin/interchange line 99, <GLOBAL> line 378.
END failed--call queue aborted at bin/interchange line 57, <GLOBAL> line 378.
Callback called exit at bin/interchange line 57, <GLOBAL> line 378.
END failed--call queue aborted at bin/interchange line 16, <GLOBAL> line 378.

Any attempts to start the server have failed with the same errors.  I've tried '
--DEBUG=1' with the same result, and ' -test' dies the same also.  I've even tried '
--exclude=secure' to take out my only catalog, with the same result.  Looking at the
/bin/interchange perl script, I can't see where it could be hanging up.  Line 99 is just a
blank line, so I must be looking at the error wrong...Line 378 is a line inside the
update_quantity() function, so that doesn't help, either.

Has anyone seen or heard of a similar issue?  It's obvious I'm not out of memory.  The
most important question is, how can I step through this initialization and debug what is
causing the error?

Thank you very much for your help in this.  My boss is getting worried :)

-- orko
interchange-users mailing list

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