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[ic] checkout.html

I'm in the process of creating a multi-page checkout and I am slowly 
weeding my way through the checkout.html.  There a a few lines that I 
don't understand in there.  If anyone could point me in the right 
direction or explain them, it would be much appreciated.

I have run into is these lines:
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_order_route 
VALUE="[either]__ORDER_ROUTES__[or]log main copy_user[/either]">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=mv_check    VALUE="Save_database">

     [if session logged_in]
       [set Save_database]
       [if cgi mv_todo ne submit]
	  [calc] Log("Saving userdb in mv_check.")[/calc]
	  [userdb save]

I can't seem to find much information in the docs on order route and as 
for the rest of it, I'm just at a loss...


Steven Potter

interchange-users mailing list

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