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[ic] makecat fails to create usable catalog 4.8.3-1 noarch

I filed this bug report, and then I noticed that only 4 of forty odd bugs 
reported in the last 5 months have even been acknowledged...  :-(

If someone can shed some light on this, or point to an area I might 
concentrate my efforts, I would appreciate it....

Here is the situation/report:

Installed CPAN perl modules and Interchange on a Redhat 7.0 system that
currently has Apache (not stronghold) and a working SSL.

Used these rpms:

I am able to access the foundation demo, both customer and admin 

When I run /usr/lib/interchange/bin/makecat, and take the default for all of 
the options, it appears to create the catalog OK.  Restarting interchange 
with /etc/init.d/interchange restart gives positive OK results.  I can access 
the intial index.html page for the new store, but clicking on either the 
customer entrance link or the admin interface link results in a "404 - file not 
found error"

If I use the restart command as specified at the end of the makecat script:
su -c "/usr/lib/interchange/bin/interchange -r" interch
I get an error message:

Interchange V4.8.3
Configuring catalog foundation...Using default DBM database...done.
Configuring catalog sam...sam config error: Please specify the MailOrderTo 
directive in the configuration file ''

I have searched the config files, and compared the foundation demo to the new 
catalog (sam), and I cannot find a missing file or error.

One interesting note is that the executable placed in my cgi-bin is different 
for foundation and sam.  However, copying the working (foundation) over the new 
(sam) executable does not change the result.

As it is, I am unable to create a working store.


Anyone got any ideas?  This is a clean and stable and very vanilla 
installation of RH 7.0.  I really try to avoid changing defaults 'cause I 
know how it can impact other installs.

I will be happy to post my results to the list to help others.

BTW, I have been a UNIX admin/programmer since about 1985.  I kinda know
my way around the OS..  I can hold my own with Perl, but it is not my most
favorite programming language.  I spent the better part of the day trying
to get this to work, and I feel sorry for any Newbies who may take the

Timothy Burt
Internet Specialist

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