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RE: [ic] makecat fails to create usable catalog 4.8.3-1 noarch

" Hmmm  variables.txt.  I don't seem to have a file by that name
anywhere on 
my filesystem.  Perhaps a leftover from a prior release?" is in there but I think you just may have not found it. Do an
'updatedb' and then a 'locate variables.txt'. I am assuming that you are
at the command line. I am currently working on a system for someone else
that is running IC 4.8.3 and the file variables.txt is there and I am
using it. When you restart the server, the variables.txt is read into
the variables.gdbm. You will need to modify variables.txt, delete
variables.gdbm and restart the server and that will create a new
variables.gdbm. This is a tab delimited file and you use it to set a lot
of things like credit card processing information, and where the orders
are sent to, as well as the domain of your page. You need to find this
file prior to getting anything done. To have the new values take effect,
you will have to restart the IC server and have removed that .gdbm file.

I am assuming that you are not using the admin interface. I think that
you will not beable to find it in there although you might. I have not
really used that admin that much, except to build a couple template
pages and add products. I use vi to edit all these files. 

This file should be in your $catalogroot/products directory (e.g
/home/interch/catalogs/nameofcatalog/products/ ).As far as I know, this
is still in the 4.8.3 distribution since I am using it to configure a
store on that platform form someone else. I run 4.8.2 but we have
updated several of the pieces. Many of the changes in 4.8.3 are not
necessary if you are not using those features i.e. BOA card processing. 

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