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Re: [ic] "Page has Expired" error in AOL

On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 wrote:

>>> What can be done to fix this?
>>What have you tried?
>>Have you read the secure server FAQ and the part about AOL?
>>One needs to say WHAT THEY HAVE TRIED when asking question.

Oh! Damn! Now you want people to try to fix the problem themselves instead
of you spoon-feeding the answers to them! What kind of support is that?

I've got a support system nearly perfected. I down load all of the IC
documents in binary form. I select a spot in the users head - the best
location is 2 inches above the center of the right ear, and 3/8 of an inch
toward the front of that axis, I drill a 1/8 inch hole that is 5 mm deep. I
insert a stainless steel probe into that hole. I also fasten a contact to
the users right index finger. These two contacts are connected to the audio
out of the computer and the IC documentation is played through the audio
card into those two contacts.

It has worked well, so far, but my subjects had latent epileptic tendencies
and went into fatal seizures. Before they lapsed into their fatal coma they
were able to recite the docs and when questioned they seemed to have
comprehended them.

I've not divulged this before before because I was afraid that Bill Gates
would steal it from me. But, now I think that I can sell it to him. It would
certainly cut down on his CS expenses.

In the true spirit of Linux, I plan to release a free version of the
software for Slackware, and the probes will be available at a nominal cost.

I just need to get past this pesky bug of people dying! Once I do that, then
everyone can be an Interchange expert. Until then, people are just going to
have to put forth some effort and experiment and learn for themselves!

-= Jim =-

Jim's Linux-Operated Underground Bomb Shelter

Tagline for Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 21:40 PM:
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