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[ic] troubleshooting

Hi all,

If you've seen my previous posts, you'll know that I'm trying to
implement Skipjack with Interchange 4.8.3. (Perl 5.6.1, running on Red
Hat 6.2, apache 1.3.20).

The problem is that no data is being sent to Skipjack, yet all
transactions with good card numbers are "successful". I get email
receipts, order notifications, log entries, but no skipjack transactions
have happened.

I've worked my way through documentation about routes, and here's what
my routes look like in catalog.cfg:

#--- route info
Route log  <<EOF
        empty        1
        encrypt      0
        increment    0
        report       etc/log_transaction
        supplant     0
        track        logs/log

Route log_entry  <<EOF
        empty        1
        encrypt      0
        report       etc/log_entry
        supplant     0
        track        logs/log

Route copy_user  <<EOF
        empty        1
        error_ok     1
        encrypt      0
        increment    0
        report       etc/mail_receipt
        supplant     0
        track        logs/log

ParseVariables Yes

RouteDatabase   route

CreditCardAuto  No
Route skipjack  test           1
Route skipjack  generate_error 1
Route  skipjack      id           "000975788619"
Route  skipjack      partner      "__SKIPJACK_PARTNER__"
Route  skipjack      email        ''

Route   default   master          1
Route   default   cascade         "skipjack, copy_user, log, log_entry"
Route   default   empty           1
Route   default   supplant        1
Route   default   email           '__ORDERS_TO__'

#--- end of route info

Any obvious problems there?

I've been working my way through the troubleshooting
suggestions as well. It's kind of strange, even though I've set the
"Route skipjack test 1" and "Route skipjack  generate_error 1" above, I
get no error messages. The customer email receipt is sent, and I get an
order notification as well (credit card number appropriately

As the perldocs suggests, I'd love to put [data session
payment_error] inside process.html, or whatever routine that is in
reality. Where would I do that? Grepping for "process" isn't revealing
anything that appears relevant.

I've also put "[data session payment_error]" into my
pages/ord/checkout.html, but I don't get any error messages on

Here's some other mysteries from the documentation:

--- From perldoc:
If nothing works:
       o   Make sure you "Require"d the module in
               Require module Vend::Payment::iTransact

Wouldn't that be "Require module Vend::Payment::Skipjack"? That's what
I've got in my interchange.cfg file, and interchange says that it is
loading that module, along with Net::SSLeay successfully upon startup.
Is this just a documentation error?

 o   Check the error logs, both catalog and global.

My catalog error log says this for every false-positive transaction: 3aLLwkKy: - [16/December/2001:13:31:17 -0500]
/cgi-bin/iotcat/process.html PGP failed with status 131072: 3aLLwkKy: - [16/December/2001:13:31:17 -0500]
/cgi-bin/iotcat/process.html Successful login by user 'U00014'

I'm not using PGP as a payment method, and none of my routes have
encrypt => 1. Why would PGP get called at all?

The global error log shows nothing other than startup messages.
       o   Try an order, then put this code in a page:
                   my $string = $Tag->uneval( { ref =>
$Session->{payment_result} });
                   $string =~ s/{/{\n/;
                   $string =~ s/,/,\n/g;
                   return $string;
           That should show what happened.

Put this code in what page? I've tried it in pages/ord/checkout.html,
but I just get:

I feel like I'm so close here... Can someone please elaborate a little
on a  suggested troubleshooting methodology for this kind of problem?

Troy Davis
ACD Interactive
interchange-users mailing list

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