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[ic] dealer and dealer pricing default, again

I am trying to have a person be set as a dealer in userdb.txt. When people
"sign up" they use the account.html page that accesses the userdb.txt
values. I want everybody that "signs up" with this form to be set as a
"dealer" and at "dealer pricing". I am using a converted account.html from

To give you an idea of what I need to accomplish:

<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=dealer VALUE=yes>

<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=dealer VALUE=1>

<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=dealer VALUE="[name=dealer value=1]">

I have tried a dozen others, however they seem embarrasing to post :) I have
tried adjusting different settings in the ADMIN for dealer also but no
combination seems to work. I have searched the post archive but came up
empty handed, probably because I think most people select a dealer manually
in ADMIN. We have an odd pricing structure, that needs to assume that if
someone is logged in, that they are in fact a dealer. Am I missing
something? I am a newbie, yes, but it seems that if I can control the other
fields, I should be able to control "dealer", no? Can I only edit "SOME" of
the fields?

IC 4.8.1  Apache

Thanks all, and sorry for the second post but I am completely stumped with
this, nothing I have tried the past two days has worked.

Paul Jordan

interchange-users mailing list

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