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RE: [ic] FORUM - instead of Mailing List

> I'm against this.  With all of the other lists that I participate in, 
> those that are news or forum related simply take too much 
> time to handle 

I don't know...I'm a first time poster to this list, and I've been trying to
get IC working for a while.  I had one of the earlier versions working, but
feel like a complete idiot now (should have NEVER uninstalled my old RH
based server to upgrade to 7.2 and thus try to reinstall the latest IC...)

A forum would be perfect for a newbie like myself.  I too use to be against
web forums.  I help run a large music mailing list (since the early 90s) and
a few years ago we decided to make a companion website to go along with the
list.  In that time, we talked about installing a web forum as well, which I
was completely against as the mailing list worked perfectly.

Now a days, our forum has more posters than our mailing list as most of the
new users are happier with the web than the mailing list.  You can log in
when you want, and you can read through threads of what you want.  Sure,
most mail programs can do that, but it takes time to set it up and its not
as intuative (heh!  Ya can't talk about intuitition if you've gotten use to
a way of doing something over the dozens of years you've taken to refine
your way of doing things).

Anywho, as I found out, there is a place for both mailing lists and web
forums.  They both serve different purposes and I for one am glad that
someone set up some for interchange.  

Hopefully with enough resources, I'll figure out how to install this
software again :-)


OnTheCircle Communications . _ . _ . _ . _ soniK: mind + music + technology _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ 
tel.317.916.1816 . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . cel.317.506.3970 
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