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Re: [ic] FORUM - instead of Mailing List

ako pia wrote:
> I vote that we create a User's Forum, rather than continuing to use the mailing list.

I not!

> So, what do you think?

In the business world, time is very expensive and I've no time, to
search trought the web based forum. Any kind of the email to inform me
about the new "email" in that forum need more time to get 

- the information or body of that new article online via the browser
- go back to my mail client to choose newest next interesting article
and so on....

It is very very easier to config your own mail reader so, you can

- filter your emails into some folders
- filter your incomming emails with your own rules
- read the important emails (depend of your rules)
- read all emails offline or online
- jump to the next newest email, if the current email is not important

than to swith permanent (go and back) between your email client and
browser and so on.

In other case and without all the stuff of the filter in your email
client or so, you will spent more times to read the relevant or
important and to delete the nonrelevant emails with your email client
than to read the articels in any kind of the web based forum with your
browser. Other fact is, that you have to read all each article of the
web based forum online with the current speed of your online connection.
What is, if there is a "rush hour" (and the bandwidth is going down) in
your country at the moment and you want to read a very very very
important article at this moment and that important article was arrived
a long time ago, before you are online in that "rush hour" time? 

In most common case, all the emails are always and still arrive you
before the bandwith is going down and you are able to read all the whole
new emails and you are able to read some emails carefulle or not.

I'cant believe, that anybody will vote any kind of web based forum and
have enough time to use it. I will not start any kind of war, but I've
to do my work and I've to substantiate my working times. This can be
done very very done with my email client.



Sorry for my bad english!

Hans-Joachim Leidinger | Dipl.-Phys.Ing. Entwicklung eCommerce
Black Point Arts Internet Solutions GmbH
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