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Re: [ic] FORUM - instead of Mailing List

AddAction New Media wrote:
> What if the forum sends out an e-mail digest of the posts once a day of the
> Thread you have subscribed to?
> Would that not serve the crowd?


First, I do not use any kind of e-mail digest. I get each email per each
and not as a summary.
The result is, that an e-mail digest need more time to get the needed
relevant informations.
I prefer to get an emails per each and not a summary of the whole
emails. We have all the right solutions to make our own job well or to
use our own times well. All the solutions are still there in the web,
your own brain or in your own capabiltiy.

The fact is, most new IC users are asking a lot of questions, which was
answering many many times in the IC list. I know, IC is not easy for a
newbie. This *is* the problem and can be solved by the simple guide to
the right documentation or by conspicuous hints to the ocuments for any
kind of questions. I'm missing a simple guide for newbies to install IC
and using it and I'm missing a guide (offline) to direct that newbies to
the next usefull informations. 

It seems to me, a lot ofaquestions are comming from newbies, who are
very impatient to read the documents per web or the documents, who (or
which?) was supplied by IC itself.


I've trouble to write my thought right!

Hans-Joachim Leidinger | Dipl.-Phys.Ing. Entwicklung eCommerce
Black Point Arts Internet Solutions GmbH
interchange-users mailing list

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