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[ic] AOL drops cart contents when moving to secure checkout mode... Problem solved??

I was having a problem which seems to be fairly common when accessing an
Interchange site from AOL (7.0  in this case) where the cart contents
disappear when switching to a secure checkout mode.  I believe we've solved
the weirdness so I thought sharing the solution may help others.

Our secure certificate from Thawte is for ""

Our SERVER_NAME was ""                            <==
Herein lies the problem....

In this configuration the shopping cart drops every time one goes to the
check out page....

When we changed our SERVER_NAME (using the interchange admin interface,
"Preferences", "Directories and Paths" section) to ""
the problem magically goes away.

The new configuration seem to work in all browsers, AOL included and avoids
issues with reversing the settings of DomainTail, IPHead an the security
issues of WideOpen.  The above "misconfiguration" did not seem to effect any
other browser on earth, but it did cause AOL some heartburn and as a result
it dropped our carts during check out.

Forgive me if this is old news... I'm a relative Interchange newbie, but I
see many questions on this topic and I've not seen a 'definitive' answer...
I hope this helps somebody!


Chuck Adams
Voice: (512) 345-8427
Fax:   (888) 581-0022
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