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[ic] I write a new file named"order_lines.html",it's like

hi,  Ed L,
                 form="vendor_prefix=[cgi vendor_prefix]"
                         (search terms here)
.... ([search-list] and [more-list] here)

how can i pass two parameter using form?

I've tried
	form="showpending=[cgi showpending]&showpaid=[cgi showpaid]"
	form="showpending=[cgi showpending]"
	form="showpaid=[cgi showpaid]"
but doesn't work. Can u tell me how to write and where to find the syntax? in which pdf file that download from the website? Thanks


>>I write a new file named"order_lines.html",it's like order.html, and it's 
>>called as following
>>in the order_lines.html,exist following codes:
>>[seti page_title]
>>         [L]Order[/L]: [L]Order Lines by Vender[/L] - [cgi 
>> vender_prefix]-[Scratch archive_subwhere]
>>         [set help_name]order.main[/set]
>>[cgi vender_prefix] is displayed correctly in the first page. but if click 
>>to next page, [cgi vender_prefix] can not be displayed. How to translate 
>>[cgi vender_prefix] to the next page?

>There are a couple ways to do this. You can pass an argument in the 
>more-list links using the 'form' parameter of the [search-region] tag, i.e.:

>                 form="vendor_prefix=[cgi vendor_prefix]"
>                 more=1
>                 search="
>                         (search terms here)
>                 "
>.... ([search-list] and [more-list] here)

>Every [more] link generated above will contain the passed 

>Another way would be to just capture the vendor_prefix in a scratch 
>variable any time it is passed as a cgi var:

>[if cgi vendor_prefix]
>         [seti vendor_prefix][cgi vendor_prefix][/seti]

>And then reference [scratch vendor_prefix] from that point forward. The one 
>catch here is the likely need to reset [scratch vendor_prefix] at some point.

>- Ed L.

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