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[ic] Error creating database with foundation demo on devel interchange

After I finish running bin/makecat and I run bin/interchange -r, I get
the following error after every table creation.  I'm using the
postgres database and everything in the sql db is being created and

  (SQL insert statements yak yak...)

  table 'products' failed: DBD::Pg::db table_info failed: ERROR:
  parser: parse error at or near "left" at
  /home/sites/site10/interchange/lib/Vend/Table/ line 539.

  kvs config error: products not a database, cannot use as products

  kvs: error in configuration. Skipping.
  kvs: config error. Skipping.
  Interchange server started in INET and UNIX mode(s) (process id 24965)

As stated, this happens for every table, not just products.  I'm a
little perplexed because I've had no problems using devel on a vanilla
redhat 7.2, but the exact same source is killing me on a cobalt raq3
(i386) that carries a linux built by cobalt (of course, this shouldn't

Casey West

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