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[ic] Order of columns for hashref returned from query?

At 06:15 PM 4/17/02, you wrote:
>I'm working on a piece of code that will be called by CommonAdjust to
>only return the columns in the pricing table which are populated with
>data for the given item.  This will force the quantity discount
>mechanism to discount quantity orders which are equal to or exceed a
>previous price break.  I had this code working before, but it used a
>$Tag->data call for each column which was inefficient to do.  Below is
>the code as it stands right now.  It selects the data then outputs the
>columns.  It will be modified to only output the columns that have a
>value once I find a solution to the problem.
>[perl tables=pricing]
>                         my $code = $Scratch->{tmp_code};
>                         my $available_breaks =
>                         my $sql = "SELECT " . $available_breaks . " FROM
>pricing WHERE sku ='" . $code . "';";
>                         my $sql_results = $Tag->query( {     sql =>
>$sql, hashref => 'price_results' } );
>                         my $hash = $sql_results->[0];
>                         my $out = "";
>                         my $key, $value;
>                         while ( ($key, $value) = each %$hash ) {
>                                 $out .= " $key => $value ";
>                         }
>                         #foreach $key (sort keys %$hash) {
>                         #       $out .= " $key => $$hash{$key} ";
>                         #}
>                         return $out;
>                 [/perl]
>The problem with this code is the ordering of the hash does not match
>the ordering of the column list in the select statement.  It is output
>in this order:


My bad, I missed the part where only some columns will be used, hmmm
next best try would be using a sort subroutine like:

foreach $key (sort {$$hash{$a} <=> $$hash{$b}} keys %$hash) {

This will force the keys to be compared numerically, ignoring the
'q' at the beginning.

Kyle Cook

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