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[ic] [email ..... with attach

"roland" <> writes:

> Hi to everybody.
> I'm trying to send an automatic  email with attach.
> I' m using perl code, but something doesn't work.
> Any idea with ictag [email......].....[/email] or perl code?
> Thanks a lot

UserTag email_mime Order to subject reply from extra type path btype
UserTag email_mime hasEndTag
UserTag email_mime Interpolate
UserTag email_mime Routine <<EOR
sub {
    require MIME::Lite;

    my($to, $subject, $reply, $from, $extra, $type, $path, $btype, $body) = @_;
    my($ok, @types, @paths);

    $subject = '<no subject>' unless defined $subject && $subject;

    $reply = '' unless defined $reply;
    $reply = "Reply-to: $reply\n" if $reply;
	if (! $from) {
		$from = $Vend::Cfg->{MailOrderTo};
		$from =~ s/,.*//;

	$extra =~ s/\s*$/\n/ if $extra;
    $ok = 0;

    $msg = MIME::Lite -> new (From => $from, To => $to, Subject => $subject,
                              Type => ($btype || 'TEXT'), Data => $body);

	if (ref $type eq 'ARRAY') {
		@types = @{$type};
	} else {
		@types = $type;

	if (ref $path eq 'ARRAY') {
		@paths = @{$path};
	} else {
		@paths = $path;

	for (my $i = 0; $i < @types; $i++) {
		$msg -> attach (Type => $types[$i], Path => $paths[$i]);

    $ok = $msg -> send;

    if (!$ok) {
        logError("Unable to send mail using $Vend::Cfg->{'SendMailProgram'}\n" .
            "To '$to'\n" .
            "From '$from'\n" .
            "With extra headers '$extra'\n" .
            "With reply-to '$reply'\n" .
            "With subject '$subject'\n" .
            "And body:\n$body");


Think of it !

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