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[ic] TaxShipping does not applied


i have trouble with the TaxShipping directive.   
I want to include the taxshipping in salestax.
Every i have tried without success.

system data:
perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-freebsd
psql (PostgreSQL) 7.2
Interchange V4.8.3 catalog: customised foundation

in catalog.cfg: 
SalesTax __TAXFIELD__
TaxShipping __TAXSHIPPING__

in variable:

in salestax.asc:
default [fly-tax]

in country:
for DE at column tax: "default=16%"

This shows me for country Germany -> Salestax 16% for all items.
The shipping-cost are properly calculated (3,62  e.g.)

Now the docs say:
If your state taxes shipping, use the TaxShipping directive. 
Utah and Nevada are known to tax shipping -- there may be others. 
The subtotal will include any taxable items, and will also include the
shipping cost if the state/zip is included in the TaxShipping directive.

I have tried for TAXSHIPPING: 
SN - for Saxonia (a entry in states-table)
DE - for Germany (a entry in country-atble)
0.16 a fixed value

My subtotal don't include any shipping costs and [salestax] calculates only
from the sum of items. I'm lost here. 
Who knows what's wrong here? Thank you for reply.


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