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[ic] Hosting Solution

Sorry if this not an appropriate question for this forum, I know it's a
support forum but I'm at my wits end.

I currently have 19 sites hosted and 4 domains being forwarded on
shared servers.  Nearly all sites are using Interchange w/ MySQL.  The
downtime is unbelievable, nearly ONCE A DAY I get an undefined catalog error
on my 2 most important sites.  I'm about to lose a ton of revenue from
maintenance contracts.  2 of the sites are large membership based sites...
members will soon start cancelling memberships when they see how often the
site is down.  1 of them is an adult site if that makes a difference.  As a
shared solution, 3 sites have a limit of 500MB, the rest are between 10MB
and 250MB capacity.  The adult site will obviously require a higher level
bandwidth allowance.

Can someone PLEASE recommend a SOLID, RELIABLE hosting solution?  If
possible, I need a quote on a dedicated server that I can move all these
sites to.  24 hour tech support would be nice.

The last thing I want to do is ditch IC altogether because my host can't
support it correctly.

Thanks much.
I can also be reached directly at:

Jim Webster

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