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[ic] Virtual host woes?


Dan Browning wrote:

> At 11:04 PM 8/21/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>> I've been trying to get this working for a while and can't seem to 
>> find any docs related to my troubles.
> Can you run *any* CGI scripts?  There is a test cgi script in the src/ 
> directory, I believe.  Keep at it, you'll get it soon, I'm sure.

Blast and blast!  Yes I can run CGI scripts - but I hadn't noticed that 
they could only be owned by the account owner and group and mode 755 
(not 775 or anything else),  otherwise the CGIs are simply NOT run.  So 
doing a simple:

chown user:usergrp shop
chmod 755 shop

Has solved all my troubles.  duh.

Ok, this turned out not to be an interchange issue at all - but hey, at 
least I know makecat inside out now ;)


Pat Deegan,
"We have found and closed the thing you watch us with."

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