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[ic] Order route expandable PGP Key

When orders are placed, I need the credit card number encrypted
with a key looked up in a database. I've set the pgp_key in the
order route to try both the scratch and data tags, along with
setting expandable to 1 in the master route. The tmp/pgp.xxxx.err
pgp error file always reports that it can't find the key
"[scratch encryptPGPKey]" or whatever I want it to encrypt
to -- Interchange isn't interpreting the ITL. Note that if I
replace the ITL with one of the actual keys, the credit card
encryption happens properly. I looked through and it
looked like the pgp path can't have ITL in it but I didn't see
any reason why the pgp key can't. Has anyone done dynamic pgp/gpg
keys and has some clues? I've tried with IC 4.8.5 and 4.8.6.


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