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[ic] [if file....] confusion.

At 02:28 PM 8/22/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm confused.
> >From the documentation:
>[if file /home/user/www/images/[item-code].gif]
>     <IMG SRC="[item-code].gif">
>Then why doesn't the following line work?
>[if file /var/lib/interchange/catalogs/hwmpro/images/company-files/[value
>company]/logo/[value company].jpg]
>     <IMG SRC="[value company].jpg">
>     /var/lib/interchange/catalogs/hwmpro/images/company-files/[value
>company]/logo/[value company].jpg
>In each case, the if is failing, and the correct string is being displayed
>by the 'else'.
>I've set "SafeUntrap ftfile" in interchange.cfg

Perhaps we should update the docs.  See:

# Prevent arbitrary [file ...] and [include ...] among other things.
NoAbsolute Yes

| Dan Browning, Kavod Technologies      <> |
| (360) 882-7872 x7, 6700 NE 162nd Ave, Suite 210, Vancouver, WA |
If you're happy, you're successful.

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