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[ic] Recommendations for Online Credit Card Processing

" a new customer of mine used PayFlow Pro from Verisign for online
> credit card processing and we're in the process to create an
> Interchange online store for him. Looks like the Signio payment
> module will work for him.

While the PayFlowPro module works well, there are somethings that are left
to be desired. The Verisign PayFlowPro has extensive address verification,
and fraud safeguards, non of which are taken advantage of in this module.
When verisign, processes a card, and the billing address is wrong, it will
process the card, and send back a result code. Unfortunately, this module
will still process the order rather than dropping it based on the returned
result code.

We have been using this module and while it works well for the processing,
we have gotten our fair share of Frauldelent orders, some which have cost us

All in all, I am very pleased with Verisign though, and would reccommend
them. We just need to work on the way this module is being used. I am not
knocking this module, just pointing this out so that if you do use this
module, you are carefully looking at each order to protect yourself against
Credit Card fraud.

This is probably something that I just learned the hard way, and any body
accepting credit cards over the Internet should be implementing strict
policies to safeguard against fraud. Learn from my lesson.

I got stung for a couple grand.

Good Luck..

Fred Pope
Satcom Resources

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