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[ic] How best to get SQL Reports

I'm running 4.8.6 using MySQL. I need to create a single document for 
each order.. combining info from both the transactions and orderline 
tables. Being rather new to SQL I thought I'd ask what others do (or 
would do). From what I've read, I think I want to create "reports" using 
the data from these tables.

I've tried using the report features from M$ Access (XP), Corel Paradox 
9 and Sun Staroffice 6.0/Adabas. I can do queries using all three, but 
none of them is capable of actually creating reports. They all fail with 
some obscure error... different error in each. I don't think I'm asking 
them to do anything out of the ordinary, I think the problem has more to 
do with running Windows ME.

So my question is how would you gurus go about creating a single 
document for each order (name address, skus, etc). Something like a 
mail-merge/form letter type of thing is what I have in mind. Thanks for 
all hints.


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