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[ic] checkout selection fails

> I had this exact problem when the shipping calculation was fscked. For
> example, if you use FedEx Web Lookup and blocked all outgoing
> ports(particularly 80 if I remember correctly) then you would see these
> symptoms as IC chews on itself.

    This issue could be mitigated if someone reworked Business::UPS (
to use LWP::UserAgent instead of LWP::Simple .  You could then set a smaller
timeout value.  I would do it if I used UPS.  For Business::Fedex its even
easier as that module already uses LWP::UserAgent, you just need to throw a


     right after the

my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;

    With a smaller timeout, the web server's connection to UPS or Fedex
should timeout before the web server's connection to the client does.


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