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[ic] Using Rate Tables with FedEx

On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 14:23, Shawn Mathews wrote:
> I need a little guidance on how to setup rate table lookups for FedEx.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I assume you mean LOCAL fedex rate table lookups.  I did this by
downloading the FedEx csv's from thier website. Then I put them in my
database(mysql in my case). You will also need some way to lookup zone
based on zipcode. You can find a csv for this too, but you will need to
largely rework it.

Next, I wrote a usertag that takes a shipping type(say, FEG) and a
zipcode, and does the proper lookup. Then create a new shipping mode to
use this tag and put it it shipping.asc.

Largely the process is just tedious. And you must be very careful that
it is extensible enough so that when you client changes their mind about
calculation you don't need to go get the gun.  The other thing that you
might find difficult is accessing your new tables in a usertag. Make
sure you have a mvasp tag that share them. Do some searching in the
archives for more information on this. Finally, make sure you grab the
2003 rate tables, since it is 2003 in 3 days ;P.

Remember, that a usertag that returns 0 and is used by shipping, makes
that shipping mode not show up. This is either a feature or a bug
depending on your requirements.

Good Luck,

| Caleb Phillips                          |
| The Studio Resource                     |
| IT Specialist                           |
|                                         |
| Handcrafted for you in Ximian Evolution |

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