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[ic] Bounce for single search result

At 09:48 PM 02/20/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>Anyone Have a snippit of code to bounce from a single search result return 
>to the detailed product description. I want to allow certain links in the 
>left nav to go directly to detailed descriptions and bypass results.html.

This is probably not the neatest way, but it should work. I would make it 
the first thing within the existing [search-list] on results.html:

[if value mv_search_match_count == 1]
         [bounce href="[area flypage [item-code]]"]

You may also opt to move this to the very top of the page and add a few tags:

[if value mv_search_match_count == 1]
                 [bounce href="[area flypage [item-code]]"]

That might be a bit faster since it skips some unnecessary parsing which 
would occur in my first example.  I'm not positive that 
mv_search_match_count will be set this early in the parse - I've never 
tried it, to my memory.

- Ed L.

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