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[ic] RE: PayPal working with IC?

On 21 Feb 2002, Jason Kohles wrote:

JK>>A PayPal module has not been created simply because the structure of
JK>>PayPal is difficult to integrate with Interchange.  Major design changes
JK>>will need to be made in the way that Interchange handles payment
JK>>processing in order to deal with the PayPal requirement that a customer
JK>>leave the site to go to PayPal, and then may or may not return.

Maybe it's just me, but I find that to be highly objectionable. I do have
some customers that will submit an order and then go back and place another
order of stuff that they forgot on the first order.

I am afraid that if they had to go to PayPal's site that they might find a
different source for the items that they forgot.

-= Jim =-

Jim's Linux-Operated Underground Bomb Shelter

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