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[ic] Before You Begin

On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, Dan Browning wrote:

DB>>> Well, I agree that IC has poor documentation.  I read
DB>>> all 4 books and still has no idea how to develop it.
DB>>One of the hard parts about this complaint is that no one can clearly
DB>>communicate specific ways that the documentation could be improved.

One specific way:

Develop a users manual for the admin interface. Yes, I realize that
Construct and Foundation were designed and built to be merely examples of
what can be done. But, a lot of us are using them to build stores up from. I
think that for the most part, very few of us 'remodelers' are making any
real changes to the admin interface. Thus a users manual that describes each
function, and each section, of the existing interface application would be a
tremendous asset. I would work on one, but there are still too many
mysteries in there for me to write one!

Another specific way:

The existing manuals are written for engineer-level minds and not for us
simpler minds. They should be brought down to the 'common man' level, or
else a companion manual: "Interchange For Dummies" developed.

-= Jim =-

Jim's Linux-Operated Underground Bomb Shelter

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