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[ic] Changes in PGP Encryption With New Version?

Quoting Christopher Van Oosterhout (
> Greetings,
> I recently installed a new version of Interchange.  When I did I 
> transferred over catalog.cfg files from individual *catalogs* of the old 
> installation.
> There seems to be something that has changed from one version to the other 
> related to encryption.
> I formerly used this line, and it encrypted the full order:
> PGP /usr/bin/pgp -feat
> Now, if I try to use that line the order does not encrypt properly all I 
> get is a "0" in the body of the email message.
> Now I have included the following line
> and it encrypts the credit card information, which is really the only thing 
> I am concerned with
> EncryptProgram      /usr/bin/pgp -feat
> The bottom line is that the EncryptProgram line seems to accomplish what I 
> need to do, but I am wondering if you can point me to any documentation 
> that will explain the differences between these two commands?  Or can 
> someone on the list explain it to me?
> Is the PGP command (shown first) outdated or no longer in use in the latest 
> version of IC?

It isn't really outdated in the sense it was intended for -- orders before
the current route system. If you don't use the Route system, then it should
work as before. The PGP directive is ancient and deprecated. It will disappear
before long.

The vast majority of users do use the Route system, as it has been in
place since Minivend 4.0 and Interchange 4.5.x.

To do what you seem to want (encrypt the entire order) you just set in

	EncryptProgram  pgp

At that point, if you set in the Route:

	encrypt	    1
	credit_card 0

it should encrypt the entire order. If it doesn't, reply back with
details of your Route setting (and confirmation you unset PGP and
set EncryptProgram and EncryptKey as above).

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Being against torture ought to be sort of a bipartisan thing.
-- Karl Lehenbauer

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