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[ic] Installing Interchange 4.8.3 in a Cobalt RaQ3

> Hello.
> I am trying to install Interchange 4.8.3 on a Cobalt RaQ3 after reading a
> few posts in the list archives.
> However, I haven't been successful for the time being.
> First I installed the perl modules through cpan.  It seems everything went
> okay.  Now I have the modules and perl5.6.1 (perl5.005 is yet at
> /usr/bin/perl while perl5.6.1 is at /usr/local/bin/perl).
> Then I made the interchange install with the tarball, and a few errors
> showed up during ./confugure, related to pod2man:

I have a RAQ4i running ic 4.8.3 for several months on several storefronts,
and have been very happy with it.  I don't know about the pod2man, but that
might be related to your perl problems.

Make sure that you're update and using the right perl, for both the
bundle::interchange and the interchange install.  You can set the path for a
specific user to use the new perl, but I reccomend just entering it at the
command prompt (adjusting all commands to use your directories (it will
revert to the old perl on your next shell login):


Verify that you're using the correct perl with "which perl".  From here run
the Bundle::Interchange, until it gives you the following:

[root foundation]# PATH=/home/local-perl/bin:$PATH:$HOME/bin
[root foundation]# which perl

[root foundation]# perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Interchange'
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
  Database was generated on Thu, 27 Dec 2001 03:12:54 GMT
MD5 is up to date.
MIME::Base64 is up to date.
MIME::Base64 is up to date.
Digest::MD5 is up to date.
URI is up to date.
Net::FTP is up to date.
HTML::Tagset is up to date.
HTML::Parser is up to date.
HTML::HeadParser is up to date.
LWP is up to date.
Term::ReadKey is up to date.
Term::ReadLine::Perl is up to date.
Business::UPS is up to date.
SQL::Statement is up to date.
Storable is up to date.
DBI is up to date.
Safe::Hole is up to date.
[root foundation]#

If I recall, their's two modules in the ic bundle that fail for stupid
reasons, and have to be d/l manually and installed.

If you see any bundle missing, or failing, just download them, and it will
help satisfy depency problems (like md5)

I also had to install somthing::mysql, but I forget the exact name of it,
but Interchange would error saying it needed if for the mysql portion of the

You'll also have allow interchange to run without the cgi-wrapper, either by
adding a script-alias .ic command or by  allowing cgi's in that site to run
without the cgi-wrapper (in the httpd.conf file).

As always, check the error in the interchange directory and in your catalog
directory (when ic even get's that far).

Good Luck,

Nathaniel Scott

Mobile Tech Support, Inc
The Cyber Image:
Ph: 623-937-8555   Fax:  623-937-1555

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