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[ic] packing units


I have to add some changes for packing units.
For example:
A product is available as:
Ring with 100m
Drum with 500m

1. When the item is displayed (on flypage.html) the customer should see
   a list of available packing units.
2. He should enter the number for the units he wants to buy and
   should see immediately the sum for the units and the total sum
2   x  ring with 100m  =   200m
3   x  drum with 500m  =  1500m
              Total Sum   1700m
               <into cart button>

So far I reached point 1. :)
I created a table VPE ( shortcut for Verpackungseinheit = packing units )
With fields: id_VPE, SKU, menge, einheit, bezeichnung
                  1,1001,   100,       m, ring with 100m
But when I click the <into cart button> only 1 of each unit will be added to
the cart, because mv_order_items is for example 100 and not 2 * 100.

So how can I access the number the customer entered in the quantity input
If the field input changes the update should be immediately.
Do I have to use javascript or is there another way (for people who disabled
javascript) ?

I hope somebody can give me a hint or a link.

Best regards,

Goetz Verdieck


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