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[ic] HELP: [if discount [item-code]] interpolation trouble

Hello All,

I'm building a catalog using Interchange 4.6.5 and MySQL.

The catalog has several categories of products, and the descriptive
information for items within each category varies. In order to keep things
simple in the page templates, I've created a categories datatable that
includes a field defining which product-data fields are used to create the
item descriptions within that category. So instead of using
[item-description], the description is built using a loop, like so:

[loop arg="[catinfo-param desc_segments]"][item-param [loop-code]] [/loop]

[catinfo-param desc_segments] is from a query that is run earlier in the
template to select data from the categories table. Typical data would be
something like:


The code above is in a results page. Users can search within each product
category using a search form on another page.

All was working fine until I started adding tags for discount information.
In order to have the description loop display correctly, interpolate=1 must
be set in the [search-region] tag. However, this causes [if discount
[item-code]] to break. So instead of displaying what's inside the if tag, I
just get a ].

The way things are looking, I may need to find an alternate way to structure
the search-region and related queries in order for everything to work
together, maybe using some perl? Or is there some different syntax I can use
for [if discount [item-code]] that will allow it to work within an
interpolated search-region?

I'm on a deadline for this project and need to have it working in the next
two days. Please help with any suggestions on alternate search-region/query
structures or tag syntax. I will provide complete source code if needed.

Thank you in advance!

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