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[ic] Email not required

I am trying to make the email field of the check out page not be required. I
have removed all (like four times or so) email=required in the
profiles.order file. I commented out the [error] tag in the check out page.
But I still get this error.

  (email): '' not an email address

Here is part of my check out code for that feild:

	    <td align="right" class="contentbar1">[comment][error name=email
std_label="Email Address" required=1][/comment]
	      Email Address
	    <td class="contentbar1">
	      <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=email VALUE="[value email]" size="30">
	    <td class="contentbar1">&nbsp;</td>
	    <td class="contentbar1">&nbsp;</td>

There is a javascript in the check out page that looks like this:

	<SCRIPT>    // JavaScript Form Validation Demo    // by Paul Colton
        function check_tax(form) {
        // Make sure the email field is not blank
        var foundState = false;
        var ch = form.state.value;
        ch = ch.toUpperCase();
		[loop list="__TAXAREA__"]
        if(ch == "[loop-code]") {
            alert("You will be charged [currency][fly-tax
[loop-code]][/currency] sales tax\nsince you are shipping to [loop-code].
Click Recalculate to see the amount in your total.");
            foundState = true;
        return foundState;

Now this has a comment about the email not being blank but then it checks
the state field. Unless I am missing something there is no need to have the
email comment in this script that does nothing to the email field.

Where am I getting this error message? I have tried to do some grep will no

I am useing redhat 7.2 and interchange 4.8.3-1 from rpm.


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