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[ic] [timed-build] - search pages

At 04:08 PM 01/31/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>I read the info on the [timed-build] tag, and it seems to be what I need.  I
>have a several complex searches which need to be "cached" so they don't have
>to query the database each time they're called up.  Unfortunately, the
>[timed-build] tag seems to build the results.html page, and any time that
>results page is called, regardless of which query is being run, it shows the
>same contents.  Is there any way to accomplish the same type of work as the
>[timed-build] tag, only using it in a search results page that will have
>several separate searches run on it, which need to be saved?

I must confess I have never used that tag. Did you read the docs on it?

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