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[ic] 4.9.1 report. Strange behavior in item_options.html and include/item_options_matrix

Quoting Marty (
> Not sure if this is a known issue, but thought I would report it anyway.
> IC=4.9.1
> Perl=5.6.1
> Mysql=3.23.47
> Symptom: When creating options for items the options do not appear
> correctly unless the Value1=Label1 contains a value1 with two or more
> characters.  ie. a=aaa does not work but aa=aaa does work.
> To recreate the symptom. (using the foundation - tools demo)
> 1. Choose any item and select options from the item screen.
> 2. Create simple options using a=aaa, b=bbb, c=ccc (options will show up
> correctly on the flypage) and name the option TEST1
> 3. Change simple options to "Matrix options one widget".
> 4. Choosing "create all combinations" does nothing. 
> 5. Choosing an options (say aaa) from the pull-down menu and then
> editing the information for that widget and clicking "OK" does not save
> the option.
> 6. edit option TEST1 and change a=aaa to aa=aaa, b=bbb to bb=bbb, c=ccc
> to cc=ccc
> 7. Click on "create all possible combinations"  Bingo, it works.
> 8. Clicking the hyperlink under SKU lets you edit the options details. 
> That works ok.
> 9. Choose the option from the pull-down and edit the details and click 
> "ok" and the option will disappear from the list.

The fault actually has nothing to do with the size of the option
value, but it did have to do with saving the associated SKU for 
the option. How you got it to go I don't know, but I was able
to recreate something like the problem you reported and fix it
with a change to the call to the table editor.

Try changing 

	   ui_te_default:sku=[cgi item_id]


	   ui_te_override:sku=[cgi item_id]

in lib/UI/pages/include/item_option_matrix and see if it works
as you expect.

Thanks for reporting it and providing good duplication info!

Mike Heins
Perusion -- Expert Interchange Consulting
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