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[ic] demo seems to be broken

Hi all,

Really don't want to join your maillist. Just thought you might like to 
know a couple or three things:

Thing #1:
Your demo seems to be broken ... but only if it's intended to be accessible 
to anonymous folks who are interested in seeing how Interchange works for 

Admin log-in page displays this text:
>  Username: (none)    StoreID: ic3
>  24 July 2002 10:27:36 (admin/login)
... but, if that's supposed to be a guide to logging into the admin demo:
    (a) there is no place to input a StoreID, and
    (b) none of the following "username"/"password" combinations work
       "admin"/"login" (tried this one JIC)
If that's not supposed to work, I'd suggest putting some information on the 
page as to how a user should go about getting ahold of information that 
does. Like, if we're supposed to contact a sales rep who will give us a 
temporary login, how do we go about that, etc.

If one of those combinations *is* supposed to work, well it doesn't; and it 
probably needs better labelling anyway, when it does work, which it doesn't.

Thing #2:
Your pages are trying to write "illegal cookies." That's not reassuring to 
people who are researching their options in eCommerce.

I'm not saying you're breaking the law, just that "a path in the cookie 
does not match the page address;" and security-conscious folks will refuse 
those cookies, which could keep cookie-dependent portions of your site from 
functioning properly. (See above?)

Thing #3:
I'm writing to this maillist because there was no place else I could find 
on the site to advise you of this stuff.

So, if I'm the first person to call this stuff to your attention, that 
doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't matter. It may mean, instead:
    (a) other people who were bothered by it didn't care
        enough about your business to try this hard to help
        you; and
    (b) other people who were bothered by it are now using
        BlueMartini (which may be their just desserts, but
        it still cost you those customers).

If there was some other medium I was supposed to use, well, I couldn't find 
it. Maybe I should have looked harder, but geez ... I'm tryin' to you do 
you guys a favor here. I'm not asking you to appreciate it, but don't 
complain because I didn't do it better either.

That's about it.

~~~~ I'm just a harmless squirrel, not a plastique explosive
~~~~ or anything you need to worry about. (*Caddyshack*)

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